
In addition to abiding by the SWAMP Code of Conduct, all SWAMP staff are expected to abide by the following:

Work schedule

Regular Work Hours: Please use your Outlook calendar to show your regular work hours to assist in scheduling meetings.

Teleworking: All staff are required to adhere to the provisions of the CalEPA Telework Policy, the Water Boards Telework Program, and Remote Access Security Standards and requirements of approved telework agreements. Also see the CA Telework Employee Guidelines

Notification of workday start: When you start your day, please send a Teams chat in the shared unit channel. This can be as simple as “Hello team!”. The point is to let us know you’re around and to share a moment of virtual connection with the rest of the team.

Scheduling and taking time off

  • To request time off: Send your supervisor an email with the days/times you would like to take off and include if you would like to make up the time by staying late or coming in early. Otherwise it will be assumed that you are using leave time and that you have checked your leave balances and confirmed that you have adequate leave time available. Your supervisor will respond to your email approving your time off request, or if there is a conflict (only rare occurrences), your supervisor will notify you if it is not approved and will work with you to find an alternate time for you to take off.

  • Once time off has been approved: Mark on your Outlook calendar when you will be out of the office (vacation, appointment, etc.)

  • Before you leave for your time off: Turn on an “out of office” message in Outlook if you will be away for a day or more

  • If you are sick, late, or need to leave for an emergency: Send your supervisor an email, Teams chat or text their mobile phone notifying them that you will not be in, will be more than 30 minutes late, or had to leave early. When you are able, mark that time on your Outlook calendar.


Keeping each other in the loop: Please include your supervisor on emails, in meetings, or other communications when necessary, so that they are aware of unit business.

Open door/chat policy: Our unit maintains an open door/chat policy, so please feel free to stop by or send a Teams chat or email if you need to talk, chat, consult, etc.

DRAFT - SWAMP Unit to Review and revise as appropriate

Table of communication tools and their respective recommended use and norms for SWAMP communications
Tool When to Use Audience Response Time Suggested Norms
Teams Chat

For short and simple conversations

Daily check-ins



If urgent - note that in message

Avoid complicated questions or conversations

For sending semi-complex content, updates, announcements.

When you need a record of communication

Recap of important conversations

Internal and/or external partners

Within 3 business days

If urgent - note that in message

Use identifiers in subject line for urgency and response expectations

If the email is long (greater than 1 paragraph) - recommend adding a summary with the need/ask bolded at the top of the message.



For detailed, nuanced, complex communications that require feedback and/or discussion

When you have specific topics to discuss

Internal and/or external partners

Schedule in advance

Respect the availability of others and schedule as soon as you know a meeting is needed - for most folks scheduling meetings 2-weeks (or more!) in advance is normal

Make an agenda, share ahead of the meeting, and stick to it.

The agenda can be formal or a few bullets - what’s important is that there is a known purpose, priorities, and expected outcome for the meeting.

If the meeting is recurring, cancel it if there is no need to meet and follow-up with an email/chat instead.

For other tips, see: How to Run a Meeting



See above

Use Zoom meetings when communicating with external partners. See instructions for scheduling Zoom meetings.

Use Zoom webinar for large, publicly facing events.

Meeting vs Webinar comparison

External partners See above

Develop a formal agenda - send out at least 1 week prior to the meeting/webinar.

For other tips, see: How to Run a Meeting

Check-ins / 1:1s For regular check-in or update meetings Internal Meetings tend to be 1-hour every-other week, but can be adjusted as needed

Use a shared document (e.g., OneNote, Asana, Word Doc) to keep track of standard agenda items, topics to discuss at the next meeting, and to take notes or record action items

For other tips, see: How to Run a Meeting

Co-working For brainstorming, screen-sharing, skill building, problem solving Internal and/or external partners Schedule as needed Can have a pre-determined agenda or be informally and organically developed during the co-working session
Phone Call For time-sensitive, urgent communication Internal and/or external partners Respond to missed calls according to urgency, within 3 business days If you don’t reach the person, leave a voice mail and/or follow-up with email or chat.

Expectations of supervisors

SWAMP Supervisors commit to uphold the following:

  1. Encourage each of you to lead in your own way
    • Create space to let you do your jobs, empower you to succeed and do what you’re good at and interested in
    • Allow you to make decisions, and provide guidance as needed
  2. Listen to you and understand your skillsets, strengths and interests, and ensure your projects align with those skillsets, strengths and interests
  3. Treat each of you respectfully, equitably, and fairly
  4. Understand and get to know each of your individual styles and to meet you there
  5. Be there for each of you, via regular 1:1 check-ins, specific project meetings, chat, phone, email to talk with you about projects, workload, interests, goals, inspiration, brainstorming, etc.
  6. Show my appreciation and gratitude for your work and give recognition for accomplishments
    • Express gratitude regularly though words and actions for the good work each of you do
    • Share your work with others to highlight and showcase projects, including presentations to executive management, board members and regional colleagues
    • Provide public recognition for exceptional work through Superior Accomplishment Award nominations
  7. Communicate in a consistent, professional, friendly, and meaningful manner
  8. Clearly define roles and responsibilities
  9. Provide feedback, mentorship and training
  10. Create a safe space for failure (and innovation!)
  11. Provide strong leadership and a clear vision
  12. Create a dedicated and balanced work environment
  13. Share information to reduce uncertainty about your job, OIMA, and Board activities
  14. Give team members opportunities to participate in decisions that affect their jobs
  15. Consult team members about scheduling
  16. Clearly communicate work rules and job expectations
  17. Hold staff and myself accountable to the work rules and job expectations
  18. Ensure that workload is suitable and that deadlines are realistic given the resources
  19. Clearly communicate when quality and quantity of work do not meet standards
  20. Provide opportunities for career development
  21. Provide opportunities for social interaction among employees
  22. Maintain a positive attitude even when faced with challenging situations and tasks
  23. Maintain a zero-tolerance policy for harassment