
As a Water Boards employee, you have access to training and training-related services to support your personal and professional development, all in support of the Water Boards’ mission. Training Services is comprised of the Training Academy and Training Office, which offer different types of training and which you access differently.

Water Board Training Academy

  • Offers in-house virtual and in-person training courses
  • Staff self-register for courses via the Cornerstone Learning Management System - see the Cornerstone Introductory Modules and/or the Cornerstone Training Recording to get started
    • Note that Cornerstone accounts for new employees can be delayed, but are automatically created each night. It’s recommended that new employees check daily to see if you are established and contract Training services if you experience a significant delay.
  • Works with staff to develop new classes

Water Boards Training Office

  • Gives ​​​​​​access to external events (training, conferences, PE/PG license preparation classes and higher education requests - essentailly, anything not found in the Cornerstone system)
  • Processes for requesting to attend an external training event or conference differ - see the Access External Training and Conferences SharePoint for guidance and forms
  • Never pay for a class yourself, without explicit pre-approval from the Training Office (or you won’t be eligible for reimbursement)

Internal Training

Internal Training refers to in-house training courses supported by the Water Board Training Academy.

How to sign up for Internal Water Board Training Academy Courses:

  • Watch your inbox for course announcement emails or visit the Training Services SharePoint
  • Search Cornerstone (via your Miscrosoft Apps) for on-demand resources and upcoming training opportunities

Approval Process:

  • Get supervisor approval to take training(s)
  • Self-register on Cornerstone

Attendance Reminder:

To receive attendance credit, you must be present and participate for the entirety of the course or you will receive a no-show. Although we understand that emergencies arise during training, missing more than 15-minutes of any course will result in a no-show with no attendance credit given. This is a Training Services guideline that cannot be overruled by the instructor. To ensure proper attendance, rename your video box to list your first and last name. 

External Training

External Training refers to external events (training, conferences, PE/PG license preparation classes and higher education requests) supported by the Water Boards Training Office.

When is Training Office Approval Required?

  • There is a registration/tuition cost
  • There are travel costs (hotel, car rental, per diem, etc.)
  • You want the event added to your training history 

How to sign up for (non-Academy) External Training:

How to sign up for (non-Academy) Conferences:

  • Be prepared to plan head when requesting to attend any Conference or External Training.
  • Visit the Training Services SharePoint to:
  • Fill out the TRF and In-State Travel Form and obtain supervisor approvals (digital signature)​
    • Attach copy of registration form, event agenda, meal or session preferences (if applicable), etc.​
  • Email signed forms and attachments (if applicable) to your Training Liaison
  • Training Liaison submits them to Training Services for processing
  • Once your request is fully approved, Training Services will either process registration on your behalf and inform you of your approval or will send you authorization to self-register and seek reimbursement.

See the Professional Development Section for a list of conferences that may be of interest.



Training Liaison: Devan Burke

Backup Training Liaison: TBD


Reminder to add backup when identified