Exempt, excluded, and represented state employees may be eligible for the reimbursement of authorized out-of-pocket expenses that are reasonably, actually, and necessarily incurred as a result of conducting state business.
Quick links
Travel Pocket Guide (Intranet) - can only access on VPN
CalTravelStore / Concur (where you book your travel)
CalATERS Global (where you submit your travel expense claims [TEC] for reimbursement)
Travel Forms (Intranet) - can only access on VPN
Travel Overview
CalTravelStore New User Registration
For new users to be added to CalTravelStore to begin making reservations, contact the CalATERS Travel Help Desk.
Phone: (916) 341-5036
The CalATERS Travel Help Desk can provide assistance or answer questions about making travel reservations, recommendations while traveling, and asking for reimbursement when you return. The Travel Help Desk for the Water Boards is comprised of the Travel Unit staff in the Accounting Office as part of the Division of Administrative Services.
Visit CalTravelStore, a self-serve site for all government business travel needs. Travelers are able to make reservations for lodging, airfare, rental car & rail fare through Concur which is personalized to meet the needs of State government travelers.
General Travel Process
Get approval to travel; if traveling for training or a conference - see the Training section for forms that must be completed and approved before booking travel arrangements
Book your travel (flights, hotels, rental cars) using the CalTravelStore / Concur system.
Travel to and from your destination and save all receipts (see Tip #2 below for details)
Submit your Travel Expense Claim for reimbursement - this is currently a 3-step process:
Gather your receipts and complete your TEC in CalATERS Global - save a PDF of the TEC for use in Step 2 below
Complete the Adobe Sign process to get you TEC digitally signed and approved
Once you received a digitally signed version of your TEC, submit that and all of your required original receipts to Accounting. This can be done by dropping of your TEC package in-person in the CalEPA building, or mailing it in using the address provided on page 1 of your TEC.
Ask your Supervisor for a copy of the Adobe Sign Instruction guide - this will walk you through the 3-step TEC process above in more detail.
Receipts should be submitted for every item of expense of $25 or more. When receipts are not required to be submitted with a travel expense claim, it is the employee’s responsibility to maintain receipts and records of their actual expenses. Read more information on reimbursement here.
Know your reimbursement rates! State employees may be eligible to receive reimbursement for expenses such as:
- Method of travel (transportation)
- Meals and incidentals
- Short-term lodging
- Out-of-state travel
- Out-of-country travel
- Personal vehicle mileage
- Other actual and necessary business and/or travel costs incurred while conducting official state business
Airline reservations should be made no more than 30 days prior to the expected travel dates.
Department of General Services (DGS) recommends booking flights between 21 to 30 days prior to travel.
Frequent travelers should book non-refundable fares since there is a high probability that the unused funds will be used for future travel within the expiration period.
Non-frequent travelers should book non-refundable fares if the trips dates are fixed and there is a low probability of a change in plans.
CalATERS Travel Help Desk
Phone: (916) 341-5036