Professional Development

We are very supportive of individual and team professional development opportunities. Below are a couple of resources SWAMP Team members can tap into to advance their professional skills.

Individual Development Plan (IDP)

Staff can complete an IDP Form annually to articulate their performance objectives for the coming year as well as their plans for achieving those objectives. Once drafted, staff review the document with their supervisor, revise as appropriate, and submit. Completing the form can help prioritize which trainings and other opportunities the individual might request to attend in the coming year.


Training Request Forms are required for all trainings, even Water Boards Academy trainings and required workplace trainings because they provide documentation needed in case of audits. See the Training Section of this Manual for more details.


Attending conferences can help staff practice and develop their public speaking skills as well as provide opportunities to network and find and develop new partnerships (or nurture existing ones!). Being able to attend conferences requires lots of planning and paperwork, so it’s a great idea to think about which conference(s) you might request to attend during your IDP process, and be ready to submit all of the required paperwork well in advance. See the Training Section of this Manual for more details.

See the table below for a list of conferences that may be of interest and usually have intersection with SWAMP and broader OIMA priorities.

Conference Name Time Frame Frequency
Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)



Twice a year

American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO)

(Includes the Ocean Sciences Meeting & Aquatic Sciences Meeting)



Twice a year
Women in Data Science (WiDS) Mar Annual
Salmonid Restoration Federation (SRF) Mar/Apr Annual
Code for America Summit Mar-May Annual
National Water Quality Monitoring Council (NWQMC) Apr Annual

Society for Freshwater Science (SFS)

Also check out the California Chapter (CalSFS)

May/Jun Annual
California Data Collaborative Water Data Summit Aug/Sep Annual
California Lake Management Society (CALMS) Oct Annual
Society for Open, Reliable, and Transparent Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (SORTEE) Oct Annual
Tribal EPA & U.S. EPA Region 9 Annual Conference Oct Annual
North American Lake Management Society (NALMS) Nov Annual

Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)

Also check out Northern California Regional Chapter (NorCal SETAC)

Nov Annual
​American Geophysical Union (AGU) Dec Annual
​American Fisheries Society (AFS) Variable Annual
National Forum on Contaminants in Fish (Fish Forum) Variable Variable