
This Equity Data Handbook is an online resource written by the The State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) and the nine Regional Water Quality Control Boards (Regional Water Boards), collectively known as the California Water Boards (Water Boards).

Content in this Handbook includes best practices and guidance for Water Boards staff on incorporating racial equity concepts into their data-related work. Specifically, this Handbook will provide guidance and resources to help Water Boards staff conduct each phase of the data life cycle through a racial equity lens - from the planning and design of a project to data collection methods, visualization development (e.g., maps, fact sheets, etc.) and more!

A depiction of the Data Life Cycle is provided below for context. We must have meaningful engagement and partnership with our diverse communities during each phase of the Data Life Cycle, especially those that have been historically underserved namely Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color (BIPOC). If we focus on uplifting those most highly impacted we will inevitably improve the the data products and services we develop and, most importantly, the experiences and outcomes for all communities.

Graphic showing the seven main phases of the Data Life Cycle: (1) Plan and Prepare, (2) Collect and Process, (3) Assure and Analyze, (4) Preserve and Store, (5) Publish and Share, (6) Discover and Integrate, and (7) Describe - which is integral to all of the other phases

Graphic of the data life cycle.

This Quarto book is an open, living, and continuously iterating resource. If you have suggestions for additions or revisions you think should be incorporated into this book, please email equitydatahelp@waterboards.ca.gov.